Sunday, December 11, 2011

Onset of "cold"

In May Mattie had just turned five years old and he had contracted a pretty bad could. We let it try and run its course for the next 2 weeks, but the congestion, flem, and coughing just wasnt breaking and the poor guy was in misery. We waited another week and still not getting better. He went in to see his pediatrician and she recommended antibiotics. He took the antibiotics and this was in early July. He was also having some difficulty breathing while sleeping, and it appeared at times that he would actually stop breathing. We went to our annual family reunion to the Stanislaus county fair and by that time we noticed his lymph glands on the sides of neck were swollen. When we got home we talked again to his pediatrician and she told us to go to the hospital to get an MRI. We went out for sushi dinner beforehand, and then had the MRI done. The doctor who did the MRI didnt give us any results, but I can remember when leaving the doctor actually walked with me to the exit of the hospital just making small talk about his family and kids. At the time I thought it very strange, and when I shook his hand to say goodbye, he said take care of your boy, and good luck. I had never heard of a doctor wishing somebody luck, but we soon learned from a call that my wife took that Mattie probably had some form of cancer, and to head to Stanford emergency room for immediate treatment. That is the night we met Dr. Gary Dahl and got the heartbreaking reality. Mattie had cancer, but had an 80 percent chance of being cured. Wasnt feeling very lucky at all...

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