Monday, December 19, 2011

God I'm angry...

As I had remarked in a previous post, I was trying to point the finger at who could be responsible for such a horrible thing and at one point I went right to the top and got very angry with God. God had done this, but obviously had a plan I wasnt in tune with and how could he take my only son . I was so mad I started researching different religions like Hindu, the Koran, Judism, Shintu, but I settled with Buddhism. Funny thing is, Buddhism isnt a religion like I had thought, it is a philosophy and is very deep and interesting.
I learned about inpermanence, the eight fold path, and meditation and a new light was lit inside. I asked God for forgiveness for doubting him and was healed. I was enlightled to see the world differently and calmly.

One of the most stiking proverbial Buddhist quotes is stated as such:

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or to anticipate troubles, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.

This really hit home when we attended a funeral for a nine year old boy named Amaey who lost his battle and this same message was relayed at his service. Live in the moment, enjoy every moment as it comes, then move to the next moment...This is a very very hard thing to do, but is so rewarding as you live life

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