Saturday, December 17, 2011

I'm just a Bill...

My insurance had a medical cap of 3 million dolls and withing 8 months of treatment we were edging very close to that mark. It started to put a strain on us on what avenues we could take, and strained our marriage. I was gearing up to leave my company and find something new that would have better coverage, when Mattie got feverish and neutropenic again. This was in mid March and he was hospitalized for 30 days. During that time he developed little red pestuals on his body, so they put him into an isolation room. First diagnoses was chicken pocks, which would have been very bad, one because he was neutropenic and if it was chicken pocks, he could die. Two because I had never had chicken pocks, I was banned from seeing him. Luckily it was only for 1 week, because they soon determined it was candida tropicalis( common yeast infection). Not a bad thing for most people to overcome, but it was inside his body causing huge, hard masses all over his body and sticking to everything internally. It was in his jaw, his collar bone area, his neck, his abdomen, behind his knees, and in his calves. He was in so much pain he could not walk for several months. They had to remove his Port cathetor due to the yeast sticking to it and causing complication.

The only positive thing that happened during this period was that the President Obama medical reform went through and was initiated. This meant our medical cap was removed and removed much stress.

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