So as we wind down and get closer to November 23rd 2012, which is Matt's end of treatment date, I have been reflecting on about how many pills he has taken over the last 3 years. This obviously does not include liquid medications, liquid chemo, or other drugs administered by needle. I have estimated the number to be about 4000 pills and that is low balling it. Am I worried about all that medicine he has taken and the long term affects. Yes, but the reality is all that medicine, which in the beginning of treatment we had to find very creative ways to administer, probably has saved his life...
These days I often poke fun at those medical commercials that say take this pill and it will cure what ailes you, but possible side effects might include a whole host of nasty things depending on the physiology of your body, and your diet, and if your family has a medical history of one thing or another.
So, if my son has bug eyes, itchy scalp, heart burn, abnormal tick, mood swings, steriod rage syndrome, and occasional dry coughs caused by side effects from all those pills he has taken, I smile and think I will take him that way. everyday, as long as the leukemia goes away...